
Here is a calendar of upcoming events, up and down the country. Some are organized by us, others by like-minded organizations and groups.

The Failure of the UN and Int’l Law in Syria @ South Arts Lecture Theatre A4
Aug 13 @ 5:00 PM

A young girl is taken to an aid station in Alleppo

The Failure of the

UN and International Law in Syria:

A Classical Realist Perspective

Speaker:   Jeremy Moses

Date:  Monday 13 August 2018

Time: 5pm for 5:30pm

VenueSouth Arts Lecture Theatre A4

AGM @ Northwood Villa Clubrooms
Sep 23 @ 2:00 PM

It’s that time of the year.  If you would like to nominate another member for the committee, please send your nomination to our secretary, Rebecca (contact details below).

After the AGM we will be showing a hilarious episode of “Yes Prime Minister”, the episode when PM Jim Hacker discovers what his Ministry of Foreign Affairs really thinks about Israel.

Please bring a plate of finger food.  Of course, please exclude any pork and seafood products.

WELLINGTON: Hate speech and free speech: 10 October @ Victoria University of Wellington (Pipitea Campus)
Oct 10 @ 6:00 PM

In collaboration with Victoria University of Wellington & AUT – Auckland University of Technology, & supported by New Zealand Human Rights Commission the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand brings you, ‘At the Forefront – Human Rights Speaker Series’, a forum for discussion & debate on Human Rights.

Paul Moon is a New Zealand historian and a professor at the Auckland University of Technology.

He is a prolific writer of New Zealand history and biography, specialising in Māori history, the Treaty of Waitangi and the early period of Crown rule.


AUCKLAND: Hate speech and free speech: 11 October @ AUT City Campus, Rm WG701
Oct 11 @ 6:00 PM

In collaboration with Victoria University of Wellington & AUT – Auckland University of Technology, & supported by New Zealand Human Rights Commission the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand brings you, ‘At the Forefront – Human Rights Speaker Series’, a forum for discussion & debate on Human Rights.

Paul Moon is a New Zealand historian and a professor at the Auckland University of Technology.

He is a prolific writer of New Zealand history and biography, specialising in Māori history, the Treaty of Waitangi and the early period of Crown rule.


Sep 19 @ 7:30 PM







Following the massacres, it’s clear that there is a lack of knowledge and understanding of minorities in our community.  With that lack comes uncertainty, anxiety and even fear.  Unfortunately we humans often respond with prejudice and intolerance.  One of those minorities is the Jewish community and those who adhere to Judaism.

We are honoured to host Rabbi Ariel Tal to join us for an “Ask Me Anything” session where he will take questions from the floor.

Rabbi Ariel Tal is an experienced educator, Rabbi and marketing expert, serving in positions in both North America and Israel. Rabbi Tal has a education degree from Ohalo College in the Golan Heights, Israel, Rabbinical Semicha from Israel Chief Rabbinate, and is a Personal Coach through Da’at U’Tevuna School in Rechovot, Israel. He has taught at the Netivot HaTorah Day School in Toronto, Kibbutz Lavi Primary School and the educational organisation Livnot U’Lehibanot.

With such wide experiences, Ariel is well able to answer questions on Judaism, Jewish life in Israel, the Diaspora and New Zealand.

Ever wondered what Judaism stood for? What it says about the meaning of life? What Judaism says about how the world ends?

A Jewish perspective on the Middle East Conflict and Palestinian Arab relations? What Jews outside of Israel think of the Middle Eastern situation?

What impression New Zealanders have made on Ariel and his family? His thoughts on New Zealand culture and what its like to live in Wellington?

That’s just a few questions you could ask him.

A rare opportunity to publicly quiz a Jewish Rabbi in person.

Where: Sumner Community Centre, 14-16 Wakefield Avenue, Sumner, Christchurch.

When: 7.30pm, Thursday, September 19.

Admission: A plate of finger food. Please avoid pork and seafood products. A collection will be taken to help defray expenses.

AGM: July 12 @ Halswell Centre
Jul 9 @ 9:37 PM – 10:37 PM

Our AGM will be held on 2pm, Sunday 12 July at the Piharau Room, Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Rd, .   Send nominations for the committee to us by 10 July.

After the AGM we will be showing the highly entertaining comedy about a Jewish Bakery, entitled “Dough”. Please bring a plate of finger food.  No pork or seafood products.  Thanks.

Dough is a heartwarming about a Jewish baker and his community.

Some of the most interesting movies that I’ve seen focus on food: “Big Night”, “Chocolat” and “Chef”, to name a few. Now we have “Dough”. Part look at Jewish baking, part look at a mixing of cultures, it hits all the right notes. Basically, it reminds us that we’re all human, all trying to survive in this modern world. But it’s also got some funny stuff and great lines. I’ve liked Jonathan Pryce in every role where I’ve seen him, and I hope that newcomer Jerome Holder gets more roles like this one. Definitely worth seeing. — IMDB



CHRISTCHURCH FEBRUARY GATHERING FEB 28: The Iran Nuclear Deal @ Halswell Centre
Feb 28 @ 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM


2.30pm, Sunday, February 28

Hao Rm, Halswell Centre,
341 Halswell Rd, Christchurch

From 6:30 am Sunday, February 28, Christchurch will be in a Level 2 Lockdown. Under Level 2 rules, attendance will be limited to a maximum of 100.

NZ Friends of Israel invites you to a discussion on the issues arising from renewing the Iran nuclear deal.

            • What was the original nuclear deal?
            • What was learnt from it?
            • What are the risks to Israel if Iran successfully develops a nuclear weapon?
            • What can be done about it?
            • What can we do about it?

Admission: Bring a plate of finger food, please no pork or seafood products.

AGM @ The Library, the Olde Vicarage
Jul 31 @ 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Hi Folks, its AGM time again.

This year, its in the Library of the Old Vicarage, 335 Halswell Road, Christchurch 8025.

We look forward to seeing you.

CHRISTCHURCH: Resistance and Rebellion 2 August 2022, 6.30p @ Christchurch Central Library
Aug 2 @ 6:30 PM

  • Resistance – How did people resist the Nazi Regime?
  • Rebellion – Fighting back against Nazi atrocities
  • Righteousness – Helping your fellow person against Nazi persecution

Students will learn how Jews and Europeans fought against the onslaught of Nazi aggression and antisemitism from 1933 – 1945. From resistance movements such as the Jewish resistance groups or the Maquis; Warsaw Uprising against Nazi deportations; Righteous peoples that helped Jews escape Nazi terrorism like Kingdom of Denmark and Kingdom of Bulgaria as well as individuals such as Irena Sendler, Reverend Bruno Reynders, and Miep Gies.

Common misconceptions around the Holocaust include, but not limited, to the idea that there was no resistance against Nazi aggression. During this programme, students will be exposed to the different ways in which Jews and Europeans resisted and rebelled against the Nazis. Students will also learn about how nations worked to protect or shelter Jewish communities from the atrocities of the concentration and death camps. The goal of this programme is for students to learn how passive and active resistance helped serve to protect the communities targeted by the Nazi regime. Students learn that resistance came in many forms and the illusion of passivity was part of the myth spread by the Nazi regime.

Links to school curriculum

  • Level 6 Social Studies: Understand how individuals, groups, and institutions work to promote social justice and human rights.
  • Level 6 Social Studies: Understand how cultures adapt and change and that this has consequences for society.
  • Level 6 History: Understand how the causes and consequences of past events that are of significance to New Zealanders shape the lives of people and society.
  • Level 7 Social Studies: Understand how conflicts can arise from different cultural beliefs and ideas and be addressed in different ways with differing outcomes.
  • Level 7 History: Understand how historical forces and movements have influenced the causes and consequences of events of significance to New Zealanders.
  • Level 8 Social Studies: Understand how policy changes are influenced by and impact on the rights, roles, and responsibilities of individuals and communities.
  • Level 8 Social Studies: Understand how ideologies shape society and that individuals and groups respond differently to these beliefs.
  • Level 8 Geography: Understand how people’s diverse values and perceptions influence the environmental, social, and economic decisions and responses that they make.
Christchurch Vigil: Free the hostages march @ Bridge of Remembrance
Dec 3 @ 3:00 PM