
Here is a calendar of upcoming events, up and down the country. Some are organized by us, others by like-minded organizations and groups.

CHRISTCHURCH: Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease: What we know so far: Part 2 @ To be confirmed
Jul 17 @ 2:00 PM

Barak, Yoram

Join us for a highly informative and interactive presentation by acclaimed Professor Yoram Barak on a survey of the available evidence, observations and hypotheses on how Alzheimer’s Disease might be prevented. This is the second in a 2-part series of lectures.


Dr. Yoram Barak is an assistant professor of Psychiatry at the Sackler School of Medicine of Tel-Aviv University, and director of the Psychogeriatric Department at the Abarbanel Mental Health Center. Trained in medicine and psychiatry at the Sackler School of Medicine, he became an Israel Medical Scientific Council Specialist in Psychiatry in 1993, and was awarded a Masters in Health Administration from Ben-Gurion University of Beer-Sheva, Israel in 2004.

Dr. Barak is also a consultant for the National Multiple Sclerosis Center in Israel and a special consultant on Positive Psychology for the Israel Defense Forces. He was president of the Israeli Association of Old-Age Psychiatry, and is currently on the editorial board of the Israel Journal of Psychiatry and the Open Psychiatry Journal. Research interests include multiple sclerosis, cancer, depression, schizophrenia, obsessive–compulsive disorder, suicide and geriatric psychiatry. He has published extensively in these areas, and is author and co-author of over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles.

He is currently on Sabbatical and teaching at the Otago University School of Medicine in Christchurch.

VENUE:  Northwood Villa Clubrooms, Northwood Villas Cres, off O’Neill Ave, Northwood, Christchurch 
WHEN:  2pm, Sunday, July 3, 2016 

ADMISSION: Please bring a plate of finger food, we’d be grateful if you could avoid pork or seafood products.


WELLINGTON: Hate speech and free speech: 10 October @ Victoria University of Wellington (Pipitea Campus)
Oct 10 @ 6:00 PM

In collaboration with Victoria University of Wellington & AUT – Auckland University of Technology, & supported by New Zealand Human Rights Commission the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand brings you, ‘At the Forefront – Human Rights Speaker Series’, a forum for discussion & debate on Human Rights.

Paul Moon is a New Zealand historian and a professor at the Auckland University of Technology.

He is a prolific writer of New Zealand history and biography, specialising in Māori history, the Treaty of Waitangi and the early period of Crown rule.


AUCKLAND: Hate speech and free speech: 11 October @ AUT City Campus, Rm WG701
Oct 11 @ 6:00 PM

In collaboration with Victoria University of Wellington & AUT – Auckland University of Technology, & supported by New Zealand Human Rights Commission the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand brings you, ‘At the Forefront – Human Rights Speaker Series’, a forum for discussion & debate on Human Rights.

Paul Moon is a New Zealand historian and a professor at the Auckland University of Technology.

He is a prolific writer of New Zealand history and biography, specialising in Māori history, the Treaty of Waitangi and the early period of Crown rule.


@ Bridge of Remembrance
Dec 10 @ 3:00 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: Israel Solidarity March Dec 24 @ Bridge of Remembrance
Dec 24 @ 3:00 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: Israel Solidarity March Dec 31 @ Bridge of Remembrance
Dec 31 @ 3:00 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: Israel Solidarity March Jan 7 @ Bridge of Remembrance
Jan 7 @ 3:00 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: 100 Days In Captivity Rally: July 14 @ Bridge of Remembrance
Jan 14 @ 3:00 PM
AUCKLAND: Bring them back: 100 days @ Sir Peter Blake Centre
Jan 14 @ 4:00 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: 100 Days: Bring them back! Jan 18, 7.30pm @ Halswell Centre, Hao Room
Jan 18 @ 7:30 PM

The Bibas Family, in happier times

The DCM at the Embassy, Yael Holan has asked if we would like to “adopt” a family of hostages to raise awareness of their plight.

They are the Bibas family.

Kfir, Ariel and Shiri Bibas, and presumably their father Yarden were all kidnapped from Nir Oz, an Israeli kibbutz that was devastated when it came under attack by Hamas militants on October 7. The attackers murdered more than a quarter of the community and seized scores of others, as they fired at people’s homes, looted and destroyed what they could.

The armed wing of Hamas has claimed, without providing evidence, that Kfir, his 4-year-old brother, Ariel, and their mother, Shiri, were killed in an Israeli airstrike. The armed wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, said they had been killed in earlier Israeli bombing.

Kfir was nine months old when he was abducted, he will turn one on January 18.

We are proposing to hold a special meeting for them on Thursday, January 18.

Hao Room, Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Rd, Christchurch.