
Here is a calendar of upcoming events, up and down the country. Some are organized by us, others by like-minded organizations and groups.

The Failure of the UN and Int’l Law in Syria @ South Arts Lecture Theatre A4
Aug 13 @ 5:00 PM

A young girl is taken to an aid station in Alleppo

The Failure of the

UN and International Law in Syria:

A Classical Realist Perspective

Speaker:   Jeremy Moses

Date:  Monday 13 August 2018

Time: 5pm for 5:30pm

VenueSouth Arts Lecture Theatre A4

AGM @ Northwood Villa Clubrooms
Sep 23 @ 2:00 PM

It’s that time of the year.  If you would like to nominate another member for the committee, please send your nomination to our secretary, Rebecca (contact details below).

After the AGM we will be showing a hilarious episode of “Yes Prime Minister”, the episode when PM Jim Hacker discovers what his Ministry of Foreign Affairs really thinks about Israel.

Please bring a plate of finger food.  Of course, please exclude any pork and seafood products.

CHANGE OF TIME: CHRISTCHURCH: Ashley Church: The NZ Government and Israel: Sunday Oct 11 @ Hao Room, Halswell Centre
Oct 11 @ 4:30 PM


NZ Governments and Israel

4.30pm, Sunday, October 11

Hao Room, Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Rd, Christchurch


Ashley Church is a current director of the Israel Institute of NZ and has a business partnership with ex-network newsreader and public relations consultant, Rawdon Christie. He also provides consulting and management services to Membership Organisations, Associations and Business Coops.

The Israel Institute of New Zealand is an independent think tank dedicated to providing New Zealanders with a better understanding of the State of Israel through accurate analysis, insightful commentary, and effective advocacy.

He is an NZME correspondent, for Energy, and Business issues and has appeared on My House My Castle, NZ Open Home, ASB I Want to Buy a Home and TVNZ Breakfast.


Please bring a plate of finger food,  no pork or seafood products.  A collection will be taken to help defray travel and other event-related costs.


CHRISTCHURCH FEBRUARY GATHERING FEB 28: The Iran Nuclear Deal @ Halswell Centre
Feb 28 @ 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM


2.30pm, Sunday, February 28

Hao Rm, Halswell Centre,
341 Halswell Rd, Christchurch

From 6:30 am Sunday, February 28, Christchurch will be in a Level 2 Lockdown. Under Level 2 rules, attendance will be limited to a maximum of 100.

NZ Friends of Israel invites you to a discussion on the issues arising from renewing the Iran nuclear deal.

            • What was the original nuclear deal?
            • What was learnt from it?
            • What are the risks to Israel if Iran successfully develops a nuclear weapon?
            • What can be done about it?
            • What can we do about it?

Admission: Bring a plate of finger food, please no pork or seafood products.

@ Bridge of Remembrance
Dec 10 @ 3:00 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: 100 Days In Captivity Rally: July 14 @ Bridge of Remembrance
Jan 14 @ 3:00 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: 100 Days: Bring them back! Jan 18, 7.30pm @ Halswell Centre, Hao Room
Jan 18 @ 7:30 PM

The Bibas Family, in happier times

The DCM at the Embassy, Yael Holan has asked if we would like to “adopt” a family of hostages to raise awareness of their plight.

They are the Bibas family.

Kfir, Ariel and Shiri Bibas, and presumably their father Yarden were all kidnapped from Nir Oz, an Israeli kibbutz that was devastated when it came under attack by Hamas militants on October 7. The attackers murdered more than a quarter of the community and seized scores of others, as they fired at people’s homes, looted and destroyed what they could.

The armed wing of Hamas has claimed, without providing evidence, that Kfir, his 4-year-old brother, Ariel, and their mother, Shiri, were killed in an Israeli airstrike. The armed wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, said they had been killed in earlier Israeli bombing.

Kfir was nine months old when he was abducted, he will turn one on January 18.

We are proposing to hold a special meeting for them on Thursday, January 18.

Hao Room, Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Rd, Christchurch.

CHRISTCHURCH: Sheree Trotter: Indigenous Peoples and Israel @ Te Hapua Halswell Centre
Mar 21 @ 7:30 PM

Dr Sheree Trotter

Indigenous Peoples and the Middle East Conflict

Today, one hears that the Palestinians are an indigenous people that is having their homeland stolen from them by the white settler colonialists, the Jews.  Is this true?

The events of October 7 have divided New Zealanders.  The connection to indigenous rights has created fault lines for our Maori community.

On Thursday, we are delighted to welcome Dr Sheree Trotter to talk to us about the establishment of the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem and her views on how the Middle East Conflict has impacted her Maori Community.


Dr Sheree Trotter is a researcher, writer, and co-director of the Indigenous Coalition For Israel. She also co-founded the Holocaust and Antisemitism Foundation, Aotearoa New Zealand (formerly Shadows of Shoah). Sheree is Māori (Te Arawa) and earned her PhD in History at the University of Auckland.

AUCKLAND Release the Hostages Rally – April 7 @ Britomart
Apr 7 @ 2:00 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: Open Meeting Panel Discussion on the Christian attitude toward Israel and Gaza @ Hornby Presbyterian Church
Apr 21 @ 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Hi Folks

Are you shocked by the killing of innocent civilians?  Are you feeling conflicted as to who is “in the right” in the Israeli-Gaza conflict?  Why as a Christian should you care about a dispute on the other side of the world?  Are you puzzling over what a Christian response should be?  If any of these questions resonate with you, then this event is for you.

Hope Presbyterian in Amyes Rd Hornby, has invited us to join a discussion panel at their evening service, this Sunday at 7pm.

The topic is:  What should be the Christian attitude toward Israel and Gaza?

They have already had two sermons over the last two weeks on the history of Israel for background, and the sermons can be found here (click the image):

You’re invited to take part in this fascinating discussion.  The Q&A session is going to be informative and rewarding.  Even more so, if you have thought about it already so bring some questions with you.

See you there!