
Here is a calendar of upcoming events, up and down the country. Some are organized by us, others by like-minded organizations and groups.

CHRISTCHURCH: NZ Int’l Film Festival: Mr Gaga @ Hoyts Northland
Aug 10 @ 6:30 PM


If you’ve not heard of Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin, you’ll wonder how that could have been once you’ve seen what he does in this film. For dance aficionados, this is surely the most anticipated artist portrait since Wim Wenders’ Pina.

“A spectacular and celebratory investigation of a modern dancer’s creative process, this documentary tracks the four decades-long career of renowned choreographer Ohad Naharin, the artistic director of Israel’s Batsheva Dance Company. Thoughtfully and painstakingly researched, the film is packed with visually arresting archival footage from every stage of Naharin’s professional (and personal) life…

Choreographed pieces move in kinetic bursts from the rehearsal studio to the stage and, in interviews, dancers who’ve worked with him and colleagues from different periods offer insights in terms both admiring and blunt. Naharin is similarly expressive – about… the joys of physical expression, his struggles to convey his vision to those tasked with embodying it and the dance-world backdrop against which he developed his singular choreographic style and movement language, known as Gaga.

Heymann, a veteran documentarian whose filmography includes an earlier work about Naharin, skillfully constructs a portrait from these elements, methodically adding layers and sometimes revisiting previously seen footage, arming the viewer with new revelations and a more complicated understanding.” — Lynn Rapoport, San Francisco International Film Festival

CHRISTCHURCH: NZ Int’l Film Festival: Zero Days @ Hoyts Northland
Aug 10 @ 8:45 PM


Investigative journalism meets conspiracy thriller as Alex Gibney (Going Clear, NZIFF15) goes on the trail of Stuxnet, the extraordinary computer virus that metastasised around the world before it arrived at its target, Iranian nuclear facilities, and performing its mission: exploding uranium-enrichment centrifuges.

Undeterred by muzzled officials, the indomitable Gibney shows how Stuxnet – or ‘Olympic Games’, as its architects called it – was cooked up covertly by the US and Israel, creating a new level of virus complexity and a new class of weapon. One of Gibney’s sources, dramatised as a composite individual and played by a digitally reconstituted actor (one of many striking visual effects), says the worm may never have come to public attention had it not been for a unilateral Israeli move to recalibrate Stuxnet’s code and accelerate its impact. A wider operation had to be abandoned, and Tehran retaliated in kind, attacking US institutions with malware and parading its own burgeoning ‘cyber army’.

Gibney manages not only to illuminate in plain terms how Stuxnet worked, but to also issue a powerful warning about the Pandora’s box it opens. Echoing ideas explored in his WikiLeaks documentary We Steal Secrets, Gibney argues that in the face of an emerging cyber-conflict threat, which is analogous to that of nuclear weapons many decades ago, international norms and rules of engagement must be developed outside the shadows of secrecy and denial. Toby Manhire

Zero Days is reminiscent of that scene in Skyfall when Q tells 007 that he can do more damage with his laptop before his morning cup of Earl Grey than Bond can do in a year.” — Nicholas Barber, BBC

CHRISTCHURCH: NZ Int’l Film Festival: Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt @ Hoyts Northland
Aug 14 @ 12:30 PM


The German-Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt left her indelible imprint on 20th-century thought by coining the concept of the ‘banality of evil’ when reporting on the 1963 trial of Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann. This spirited documentary illuminates that often abused idea and draws a larger picture of Arendt’s often conflicted engagement with the defining phenomena of her era – and maybe ours too.

Richly illustrated with historical footage, Vita Activa offers an intimate portrait of Arendt’s life and work – both deeply informed by the aftermath of World War I, the rise of Nazi Germany and its systematic elimination of European Jews.

“Directed by Israeli documentarian Ada Ushpiz, who has degrees in philosophy and history as well as filmmaking experience, Vita Activa closely examines Arendt’s ‘active life’ with the goal of putting us inside her formative experiences, the better to reveal who she was and where her attitudes came from. There are interviews with old friends and academic experts and extensive use of filmed interviews Arendt herself gave, as well as the effective reading of excerpts from her essays and letters by actress Alison Darcy. Though the talk is smart and constant here, Vita Activa also benefits from the director’s sharp eye for effective, often rarely seen newsreel and home-movie footage.” — Kenneth Turan, LA Times

“There are moments in Vita Activa, an urgent and often startling documentary from Israeli director Ada Ushpiz, where I could feel her trying to reach across the decades and talk to us.” — Andrew O’Hehir, Salon


Oct 25 @ 12:00 PM


Tuesday October 25, 12 noon

Gross and Wein


Ethical Dilemmas of Serving in the Israeli Defense Forces:  Israel’s war against terrorism.

About the Speakers:

Raphael is a Business Administration and Political Science Student at Ariel University and is a reservist in the IDF.  Naftali is a medical student at the Hebrew University and a volunteer paramedic for Magen David (the equivalent of St John’s Ambulance Service in NZ) and is also a reservist in the IDF.  Both were combatants in the 2014 Gaza War. 

Venue:  Logie 104, University of Canterbury, Ilam, Christchurch.
A map showing the location of the venue may be obtained by clicking this link.

Admission is free

Feel free to pass this notice on to anyone else you feel may be interested.

CANCELLED: CHRISTCHURCH: Stan Goodenough: August 12, 7pm @ Grace Vineyard Church
Aug 12 @ 7:00 PM

CANCELLED:  Folks, unfortunately recently implemented visa requirements have meant that Stan does not have the necessary visas required to enter Australia.  This has meant that the NZ leg of his speaking tour has been cancelled.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Coming of the Kingdom of Heaven: How God used the ANZAC nations to help prepare the way for the King.


Stan has lived in Israel for half of his life even though he was born to a Gentile couple serving on the mission field in the small kingdom of Swaziland. Following three years volunteering on Israeli collective farms in the 1980s, he worked as a political reporter for the South African newspaper, The Daily Dispatch – where his pen had its training during apartheid’s waning years. He has traveled to various nations, speaking to Christians about developments in Israel. In 2011 he was accredited by the Israel Ministry of Tourism as a tour guide, and takes individuals, small groups, families, busloads and helicopter-loads of Christians around God’s Land. Stan has lived in Israel for half of his life even though he was born to a Gentile couple serving on the mission field in the small kingdom of Swaziland. Following three years volunteering on Israeli collective farms in the 1980s, he worked as a political reporter for the South African newspaper, The Daily Dispatch – where his pen had its training during apartheid’s waning years. He has traveled to various nations, speaking to Christians about developments in Israel. In 2011 he was accredited by the Israel Ministry of Tourism as a tour guide, and takes individuals, small groups, families, busloads and helicopter-loads of Christians around God’s Land.

CHRISTCHURCH: Israeli film showing: Foxtrot, August 6 @ Isaac Theatre
Aug 6 @ 8:30 PM

An unsettling vision of military service pervading everyday Israeli life, Samuel Maoz’s (Lebanon) visceral and startlingly unpredictable film centres on a Tel Aviv couple coping with the death of their son, a soldier stationed in the middle of nowhere.

“Maazo’s marvelous, harrowing drama about death and life in Israel marches boldly through the no-man’s-land between realism and surrealism.  It’s prize collection of paradoxes, combining an intimate, eviscerating depiction of parental grief ove ra serviceman’s death with an empathic, absurdist rendering of young Israeli Defence Force soldiers manning a remote and otherworldly roadblock…

Foxtrot carries the excitement and punch of a fearless writer-director tackling contemporary material with a bracing cocktail of potent traditional drama, wild black comedy, and serrated style.  [It all] comes together as a complex plea for honesty, openness, frankness, and forgiveness.  The movie is also, incidentally, a spectacularly effective antiwar film, focusing on the randomness and cruelty of life lived on military roads… Its final image resters like a blow to the chest.  It’s a shot that should be seen around the world.” — Michael Sragow, Film Comment

“[Foxtrot] contains some of themost striking, memorable imagery of the year…  It’s a film designed tomove you with its depiction of senseless tragedy but also to spark that part of your thinking process that only moviemaking can tap… This multitalented filmmaker has taken that darkness and turned it into something unforgettable for everyone who sees it.”  — Brian Tallerico, 

Awards:  Grand Jury Price, Venice Film Festival 2017

Hebrew, Arabic and German, with English subtitles; 113 minutes.


CHRISTCHURCH: Israeli film showing: Foxtrot, August 9 @ Isaac Theatre
Aug 9 @ 1:00 PM

An unsettling vision of military service pervading everyday Israeli life, Samuel Maoz’s (Lebanon) visceral and startlingly unpredictable film centres on a Tel Aviv couple coping with the death of their son, a soldier stationed in the middle of nowhere.

“Maazo’s marvelous, harrowing drama about death and life in Israel marches boldly through the no-man’s-land between realism and surrealism.  It’s prize collection of paradoxes, combining an intimate, eviscerating depiction of parental grief ove ra serviceman’s death with an empathic, absurdist rendering of young Israeli Defence Force soldiers manning a remote and otherworldly roadblock…

Foxtrot carries the excitement and punch of a fearless writer-director tackling contemporary material with a bracing cocktail of potent traditional drama, wild black comedy, and serrated style.  [It all] comes together as a complex plea for honesty, openness, frankness, and forgiveness.  The movie is also, incidentally, a spectacularly effective antiwar film, focusing on the randomness and cruelty of life lived on military roads… Its final image resters like a blow to the chest.  It’s a shot that should be seen around the world.” — Michael Sragow, Film Comment

“[Foxtrot] contains some of themost striking, memorable imagery of the year…  It’s a film designed tomove you with its depiction of senseless tragedy but also to spark that part of your thinking process that only moviemaking can tap… This multitalented filmmaker has taken that darkness and turned it into something unforgettable for everyone who sees it.”  — Brian Tallerico, 

Awards:  Grand Jury Price, Venice Film Festival 2017

Hebrew, Arabic and German, with English subtitles; 113 minutes.


The Failure of the UN and Int’l Law in Syria @ South Arts Lecture Theatre A4
Aug 13 @ 5:00 PM

A young girl is taken to an aid station in Alleppo

The Failure of the

UN and International Law in Syria:

A Classical Realist Perspective

Speaker:   Jeremy Moses

Date:  Monday 13 August 2018

Time: 5pm for 5:30pm

VenueSouth Arts Lecture Theatre A4

Sep 19 @ 7:30 PM







Following the massacres, it’s clear that there is a lack of knowledge and understanding of minorities in our community.  With that lack comes uncertainty, anxiety and even fear.  Unfortunately we humans often respond with prejudice and intolerance.  One of those minorities is the Jewish community and those who adhere to Judaism.

We are honoured to host Rabbi Ariel Tal to join us for an “Ask Me Anything” session where he will take questions from the floor.

Rabbi Ariel Tal is an experienced educator, Rabbi and marketing expert, serving in positions in both North America and Israel. Rabbi Tal has a education degree from Ohalo College in the Golan Heights, Israel, Rabbinical Semicha from Israel Chief Rabbinate, and is a Personal Coach through Da’at U’Tevuna School in Rechovot, Israel. He has taught at the Netivot HaTorah Day School in Toronto, Kibbutz Lavi Primary School and the educational organisation Livnot U’Lehibanot.

With such wide experiences, Ariel is well able to answer questions on Judaism, Jewish life in Israel, the Diaspora and New Zealand.

Ever wondered what Judaism stood for? What it says about the meaning of life? What Judaism says about how the world ends?

A Jewish perspective on the Middle East Conflict and Palestinian Arab relations? What Jews outside of Israel think of the Middle Eastern situation?

What impression New Zealanders have made on Ariel and his family? His thoughts on New Zealand culture and what its like to live in Wellington?

That’s just a few questions you could ask him.

A rare opportunity to publicly quiz a Jewish Rabbi in person.

Where: Sumner Community Centre, 14-16 Wakefield Avenue, Sumner, Christchurch.

When: 7.30pm, Thursday, September 19.

Admission: A plate of finger food. Please avoid pork and seafood products. A collection will be taken to help defray expenses.

CHRISTCHURCH: Who lives behind the Gaza blockade? Feb 25, 5.30p @ South Arts Lecture Theatre A6, University of Canterbury Campus
Feb 25 @ 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

A kite with an incendiary device is readied for its launch


The NZ Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) has invited us to their event:

Title:  Who lives behind the Gaza blockade, and what can Aotearoa NZ (and we) do?

Speaker:  Marilyn Garson

Date:  Tuesday, Feb 25

Time:  5.30p-6.30p

Venue:  South Arts Lecture Theatre A6, University of Canterbury Campus


Abstract: Marilyn Garson worked for 18 years with excluded communities affected by war.  She has established locally owned social enterprises with Cambodians with disabilities, Afghan women and others.

In 2011, she was invited to move to the Gaza Strip. As the economic director of a large NGO programme, she led an ambitious Gazan team.  In 2013, she became a consultant to the office of UNRWA’s then-Gaza director.  They set about launching the GGateway enterprise to create technology-related jobs behind the Gaza blockade. Marilyn volunteered to stay in Gaza as part of the UN emergency response team that prepared to shelter 35,000 displaced Gazans – but 293,000 people needed shelter through 50 days of bombardment.

Marilyn recently published Still Lives – a memoir of Gaza, chronicling four years of work (2011 – 2015), and the lives being lived behind the Gaza blockade.

As a Jew, Marilyn has skin on both sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict. She discusses the conflict, and NZ’s aid policy, in the unifying language of law and human rights.

She asks, who really lives behind the Gaza blockade, and what can we do about it?


NZ Friends of Israel Assoc Inc

Box 37 363
New Zealand 8245

+64 (27) 433 9745