
Here is a calendar of upcoming events, up and down the country. Some are organized by us, others by like-minded organizations and groups.

Nations Bless Israel: 9:45pm, 14 May 2020 @ Zoom meeting and Facebook (see below)
May 14 @ 9:45 PM



I will bless those who bless you, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you (Genesis 12:1-3)

You are invited to join with us and Nations Bless Israel Melbourne to celebrate the restoration of the State of Israel.


This Thursday evening we are invited to join the Aussies in celebrating Israel’s 72nd birthday.           It will be a special event featuring a range of distinguished speakers from various walks of life in Israel and elsewhere. It starts 9.45pm NZ Time, but can be viewed later on Facebook.

This event is a fundraiser for the Rambam hospital and is in honour of the late Peter Kentley. Peter was a Messianic Jew who lived in Melbourne and led the planning for the Australian San Remo commemorations before he became too unwell. He loved Israel dearly and I have happy memories of our times together over there. Sadly he went to be with the Lord earlier this year following a brain tumour diagnosis.

The Guest Speakers include:

  • Yuvat Rotem – Director General of Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (and former Israeli Ambassador to Australia and NZ pre 2010) He now runs the foreign ministry and played a key role in brokering the resumption of our diplomatic relations and the return of Ambassador Gerberg.
  • Mark Sofer – Australia’s current Israeli Ambassaor; who was born in London.
  • Andrew Tucker – distinguished lawyer and Israel legal advocate (ex C4Israel in the Hague)
  • Zac Waller – Ha Yovel the organisation that encourages gentiles to help harvest crops in Israel fulfilling biblical prophecy.
  • Rabbi Tuly Weisz – an American rabbi who made Aliyah a few years ago seeking to build knowledge and bridges between those who love Israel and Israel itself via his Israel365 website.

This is a free virtual event hosted on Zoom in tribute to the late Peter Kentley who, in partnership with Rabbi Riesenberg, established the inaugural Melbourne Nations Bless Israel last year.

The event may also be viewed on Facebook  HERE

Limmud NZ and Oz: June 6-14 @ Online
Jun 6 – Jun 14 all-day
This year Limmud NZ is combining with Limmud Oz to provide a fascinating programme of Jewish learning online. Click here to see the programme. Click here for early bird registrations: $36 pp. ABOUT LIMMUD
From when we founded it in 2008, the national Jewish community embraced the annual Jewish Learning Conference, run by the Zionist Federation of New Zealand. When we started the JLC, we discovered that the community was hungry for more Jewish learning. And each year, we have strived to reach more people and make the conference even bigger and better. In 2010, we joined the international Limmud Federation. For the past 30 years, Limmud has brought Jewish education to communities around the world. Limmud brings together Jews of all strands, stripes and flavours, in an atmosphere of shared passion for and dedication to learning. We’re very proud to be part of the global Limmud community. We’ve got an exciting line-up this year, with presenters from near and far, presenting on a diverse range of scintillating topics.
AGM: July 12 @ Halswell Centre
Jul 9 @ 9:37 PM – 10:37 PM

Our AGM will be held on 2pm, Sunday 12 July at the Piharau Room, Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Rd, .   Send nominations for the committee to us by 10 July.

After the AGM we will be showing the highly entertaining comedy about a Jewish Bakery, entitled “Dough”. Please bring a plate of finger food.  No pork or seafood products.  Thanks.

Dough is a heartwarming about a Jewish baker and his community.

Some of the most interesting movies that I’ve seen focus on food: “Big Night”, “Chocolat” and “Chef”, to name a few. Now we have “Dough”. Part look at Jewish baking, part look at a mixing of cultures, it hits all the right notes. Basically, it reminds us that we’re all human, all trying to survive in this modern world. But it’s also got some funny stuff and great lines. I’ve liked Jonathan Pryce in every role where I’ve seen him, and I hope that newcomer Jerome Holder gets more roles like this one. Definitely worth seeing. — IMDB



CHRISTCHURCH: Children’s Holocaust Memorial: Free Events: July 22-September 13 @ Turanga Christchurch Central Library
Jul 22 – Sep 23 all-day

This significant New Zealand-inspired and designed Memorial and public programme of events provides an opportunity to inspire and empower individuals to stand against prejudice, discrimination and apathy.

A memorial made by young people to honour other young people who were killed in their millions in another place and time.

We encourage you to visit this powerful and moving memorial to the children of the Holocaust to learn more and reflect on what must never be forgotten.

How many is 1.5 million?
The Germans and their collaborators killed as many as 1.5 million children during the Holocaust including children related to New Zealand’s Holocaust survivors and refugees.

When Justine Hitchcock (Principal of Wellington’s Moriah Jewish Day School) was teaching her young pupils about the Holocaust she decided to help the children understand the enormity of 1.5 million lives lost.

Justine initiated a project to collect 1.5 million buttons — one button for each child that perished. The children themselves managed the project, no child was more than 12-years old. Buttons were sent in from the local Wellington community, from across New Zealand and even from overseas. Many buttons came with personal stories and photographs.

The project evolved into a story of collective remembrance — a memorial.

The majority of the buttons will be contained in a truly unique design and installation by Matthijs Siljee of Massey University’s School of Design; the design includes a series of cascading metallic cabinets containing the buttons.

Strong education focus
The memorial has a strong education focus including an interactive educational section — especially relevant for school children.

The Holocaust in Services to School’s Topic Explorer tool also has curated online resources for students.

The focus of the memorial is to teach:

  • what the Holocaust was
    how children were affected by the Holocaust
    the importance of being an ‘Upstander, not a bystander’ when you witness bullying, harassment and discrimination.

Programme of free events:

The story of the Children’s Holocaust Memorial
Discover the story behind the Memorial with Chris Harris, CEO of the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand and guests.
Tautoru / TSB Space, Hapori | Community, Level 1

Wednesday 22 July, 5pm for a 5.30pm start

Upstander Stories
An evening of stories and discussion about the importance in Christchurch to be Upstanders, encourage inclusivity and respect diversity in all its forms.

This is a special LinC Activator event in collaboration with Christchurch City Libraries as part of The Children’s Holocaust Memorial.
Chris Harris – CEO Holocaust Centre of New Zealand
Jo Bailey, Zahra Hussaini and Rebecca Parnham – Uniting Canterbury Women
Tayla Reece, Rose Cook, Aporonia Arahanga and Ayesha Jones – LinC Puāwai Youth Programme
Tautoru / TSB Space, Hapori | Community, Level 1
Tuesday 11 August, 6pm, doors open 5.30pm.
Bookings required, click here to register

Guided Tours
Personal tours of the Memorial with Chris Harris, CEO of the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand.
Tautoru / TSB Space, Hapori | Community, Level 1

Thursday 23 July, 6pm
Friday 24 July, 12pm
Tuesday 11 August, 12pm

Documentary Screenings
Screenings of NZ Survivor Stories and The Courage to Care, documentaries that profile Jews who were rescued during the Holocaust, rescuers from France, Poland and Holland and the questions raised about the moral and ethical dilemmas that the rescuers confronted.
Ngā Purapura / Activity Room, Hapori | Community, Level 1
Sunday 2 August, 2pm
Saturday 5 September, 2pm

Book Launch and Activities

Join writer Elissa Weissman for launch of the paperback version of her novel The Length of A String. A novel about Imani, a young girl who is adopted, and ready to search for her birth parents. But when she discovers the diary her Jewish great-grandmother wrote chronicling her escape from Holocaust-era Europe, Imani begins to see family in a new way. There will also be lots of fun activities to enjoy.
Free, no bookings required.
Tautoru / TSB Space, Hapori | Community, Level 1
Sunday 13 September, 3pm

AGM @ The Library, the Olde Vicarage
Jul 31 @ 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Hi Folks, its AGM time again.

This year, its in the Library of the Old Vicarage, 335 Halswell Road, Christchurch 8025.

We look forward to seeing you.

CHRISTCHURCH: Resistance and Rebellion 2 August 2022, 6.30p @ Christchurch Central Library
Aug 2 @ 6:30 PM

  • Resistance – How did people resist the Nazi Regime?
  • Rebellion – Fighting back against Nazi atrocities
  • Righteousness – Helping your fellow person against Nazi persecution

Students will learn how Jews and Europeans fought against the onslaught of Nazi aggression and antisemitism from 1933 – 1945. From resistance movements such as the Jewish resistance groups or the Maquis; Warsaw Uprising against Nazi deportations; Righteous peoples that helped Jews escape Nazi terrorism like Kingdom of Denmark and Kingdom of Bulgaria as well as individuals such as Irena Sendler, Reverend Bruno Reynders, and Miep Gies.

Common misconceptions around the Holocaust include, but not limited, to the idea that there was no resistance against Nazi aggression. During this programme, students will be exposed to the different ways in which Jews and Europeans resisted and rebelled against the Nazis. Students will also learn about how nations worked to protect or shelter Jewish communities from the atrocities of the concentration and death camps. The goal of this programme is for students to learn how passive and active resistance helped serve to protect the communities targeted by the Nazi regime. Students learn that resistance came in many forms and the illusion of passivity was part of the myth spread by the Nazi regime.

Links to school curriculum

  • Level 6 Social Studies: Understand how individuals, groups, and institutions work to promote social justice and human rights.
  • Level 6 Social Studies: Understand how cultures adapt and change and that this has consequences for society.
  • Level 6 History: Understand how the causes and consequences of past events that are of significance to New Zealanders shape the lives of people and society.
  • Level 7 Social Studies: Understand how conflicts can arise from different cultural beliefs and ideas and be addressed in different ways with differing outcomes.
  • Level 7 History: Understand how historical forces and movements have influenced the causes and consequences of events of significance to New Zealanders.
  • Level 8 Social Studies: Understand how policy changes are influenced by and impact on the rights, roles, and responsibilities of individuals and communities.
  • Level 8 Social Studies: Understand how ideologies shape society and that individuals and groups respond differently to these beliefs.
  • Level 8 Geography: Understand how people’s diverse values and perceptions influence the environmental, social, and economic decisions and responses that they make.
Feb 21 @ 6:30 PM

Leon Malmed

Wednesday 21 February @ 6:30pm
Leon Malmed was born in France in 1937, and is a survivor of the Holocaust, in which his parents were killed at Auschwitz. Leon moved to the USA in the 1960s, where he lives today. After 60 years of total silence about his childhood and experience during World War II, Leon decided to write and publish his memoir “We Survived… At Last, I Speak”. Leon is visiting Christchurch and graciously offered tell his story while he is in town, to talk about his life and answer questions.

Because of heightened security alerts because of October 7, here are the protocols for admission:

1. You must be a paid up member.
2. You must RSVP to NZFOI by email to by Tuesday 10pm.
3. If you are a paid-up member then we will advise you of the venue by return email.
4. On Wednesday evening, your membership and identification will be checked at the entrance to the venue.

These terms will be strictly adhered to: Exceptions will not be accepted.
If you are unsure of your membership status contact our treasurer

Mar 27 @ 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
CHRISTCHURCH: Israel Briefing & AGM: May 30. @ Hao Room, Te Hapua Halswell Centre
May 30 @ 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM


There has been a lot happening with Israel and Antisemitism since our last meeting.  To name a few:

  1. The ICC prosecutor announces he is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders.
  2. ICJ orders Israel to stop Rafah assault.
  3. Spain, Ireland and Norway formally recognize Palestine as a state.
  4. A Christchurch teachers decides to go on a hunger strike hoping to pressure NZ’s government to push harder for a ceasefire.
  5. The US completes its kitset wharf and additional aid flows into Gaza.
  6. New evidence shows Hamas is diverting the aid so that it can profit by selling it on the black market.
  7. The Rafah assault continues in earnest.  Hamas is starting to show more enthusiasm for a ceasefire.

After the briefing and Q&A we will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM), a pivotal event in our calendar. Here’s why you should attend:

  1. Transparency and Accountability: The AGM provides a transparent platform where we share our achievements, challenges, and financial performance. Your participation ensures accountability.
  2. Shape Our Future: Your voice matters! At the AGM, you can contribute ideas, vote on key decisions, and help shape our strategic direction for the coming year.
  3. Community Bonding: Connect with fellow members, volunteers, and our passionate team. Forge new relationships and celebrate our collective impact.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: 7.30pm, Thursday, MAY 30.  Hao Room, Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Rd, Christchurch.

Together, let’s continue our mission of fighting racism and intolerance through raising awareness of Jewish history and culture. We look forward to seeing you!


  1. AGM notice and agenda
  2. Proxy Form
  3. Annual Report
  4. Current Constitution
  5. Proposed Constitution
WELLINGTON: Superheroes and the Holocaust — HCNZ @ Holocaust Centre of New Zealand
May 30 @ 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

RSVP here if you wish to attend in person

Click here if you wish to attend via Zoom.